Friday, September 16, 2011

Dota2 Beta Туршигчаас авсан сурвалжилга

Нэгэн бета туршигч хэдэн асуултанд хариулахыг зөвшөөрсөн ба тэрнээс асуусан дота2-ын талаар асуултуудын хариултыг дэлгэрэнгүйгээс уншина у...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dota2 Бета урилга+Shop Screenshot

Бета хувилбарын урилга явуулах талаар IceFrog мэдээлэл өгсөн байна. Бас бидэнд дота2ын одоо туршигдаж байгаа бета хувилбарын дэлгүүрийн зураг байна.&nbs...

DOTA 2 зураг [46 баатар]

Дота2 олон улсын тэмцээн өндөрөлөөд удаагүйг бүгд мэднэ. Дота2-ын баатрууд ямар харагддаг юм бол дота2-ын чанар, баатрын дүрслэл хэр байна гээд тоглоом сонирхогч та бүхэн бодож байгаа байх. Сайн мэдээ Valve-аас энэ тоглоом сонирхогчдын хүсэж байгаа юмын бага ч болов мэдрүүлэх зорилгоор одоогоор байгаа баатруудын скрийншотуудын зургууд тавьсан байна. Та бүхэн үзэж шинэ тоглоомын дүрслэл дээр сэтгэгдэлээ үлдээнэ ...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DotA 2 Axe Screenshots

A couple more screenshots of DOTA 2 are floating around on the internet. This time, it shows the famous DotA strength hero Axe with all his skills preview in high resolution images. It seems like Valve has lifted the NDA and allowing beta testers to reveal the in-game content of DOTA 2. Anyway, check the screens!Axe - DOTA 2Axe at Mid LaneAxe - Battle HungerAxe - Counter HelixValve has certainly done a great job adding improving graphics and model details in DOTA 2. More screenshots will be coming...

Awesome DotA 2 Fan Art Images

A lot of community based contribution in being done for DOTA 2 as its release comes near.  Lately, a Chinese DOTA player who seems to be a hardcore fan has drawn some stunning DOTA 2 Heroes Fan Art images. These concept artworks are really detailed and astonishing, must have took so much time and dedicatio...

DOTA 2 Menu Screenshots Leaked

The people who have seen the gameplay footage of DOTA 2 are unfamiliar with the in-game Lobby menu of DOTA 2. Not long ago, some screenshots of DotA 2 menu were presented on a discussion forum. The DotA 2 lobby menu is very similar to Heroes of Newerth but it looks unfinished. It has the option of Tournament, Matchmaking, Practice & Tutorial mo...

DOTA 2 Items List, Icons

Here’s the DotA 2 Items, Recipe list you have been waiting for, a fellow Dota player gathered DOTA 2 Item icons from official Valve DotA 2 server and put them in sequence. He made a chart showcasing DotA items against DOTA 2 which will allow you to easily differentiate between the items. Valve has included approximately all the items from Warcraft 3 DotA. They have worked a lot to remove the Warcraftish look from the DotA 2 Items and renamed some of them so, they keep themselves away from...

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